Retro city rampage dx all cheat codes ps 4 free#
The Cosplayer (Bronze): Play Free Roaming Mode as one of the guest stars. Killabunga! (Bronze): Kill four green sewer dwellers. Pixel Me Rollin' (Bronze): Drive 65,536 pixels. Feeling Groggy (Bronze): Get "sick" on "milk". Broken Chain (Silver): Reach a 99X chain multiplier. You Broke The Law! (Bronze): Raise your threat level by committing a crime that attracts police attention. Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy: Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Turbo mode. To get more ammunition for it, enter and exit the house. Successfully complete Story mode to find the Light Gun at Doc Choc's house. Sweat Bomber: Successfully complete the Sweat Bomber mini-game without giving up. Steve from Minecraft: Jump into the pipe in the Gated Community Zone. Meat Boy: Successfully complete the Meat Boy arcade game, and collect all bandages. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character in Free Roam mode:Ĭommander Video: Successfully complete the Bit.Trip arcade game, and collect all gold.
Retro city rampage dx all cheat codes ps 4 code#
Play as Team Meat (Super Meat Boy) staffĮnter " TEAMMEAT" as a code to unlock the Team Meat (Super Meat Boy) staff. Play as PSN Blog TeamĮnter " URNOTE" as a code to unlock the PSN Blog Team. Play as PolytronĮnter " POLYTRON" as a code to unlock Polytron. Play as PJ Fresh Phil from YTVĮnter " PJFP" as a code to unlock PJ Fresh Phil from YTV. Play as Mojang (Minecraft) staffĮnter " MOJANG" as a code to unlock the Mojang (Minecraft) staff. Play as Maxime's friends (RCR game artist)Įnter " MAXIMEAMIS" as a code to unlock Maxime's friends (RCR game artist). Play as Gaijin (Bit.Trip) staffĮnter " GAIJIN" as a code to unlock the Gaijin (Bit.Trip) staff. Play as Epic Meal TimeĮnter " EMT" as a code to unlock Epic Meal Time. Play as Electric Playground television hostsĮnter " ELECPLAY" as a code to unlock the Electric Playground television hosts. Play as Destructoid staffĮnter " DTOID" as a code to unlock the Destructoid staff. Play as Chris Hoffman and Dan AdelmanĮnter " POWER" as a code to unlock Chris Hoffman and Dan Adelman. Travel to MJ's Face-R-Us, then enter one of the following coupon codes to unlock the corresponding character:Įnter " CARBONI" as a code to unlock Anthony Carboni. While playing the game, press Left(2), Up, Down, Right(2), Up, Down, R1, X. While playing the game, press Right(2), Up, Down, Left(2), Up, Down, R1, X. While playing the game, press X, Circle, X, Triangle, X, Circle(2). To disable Gawd mode, press Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(2), R1, X while playing the game. While playing the game, press Up(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Down(2), R1, X to enabled Gawd mode. While playing the game, press Up(2), Down(2), R1, Circle, R1, Circle, X. While playing the game, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up(2), Down(2), R1, Circle for an extra $100,000. While playing the game, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle to unlock all weapons. While playing the game, press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, X, Circle to unlock all styles. While playing the game, press Up(3), Left, Right, R1, Circle, R1, Circle, R1 to unlock all secret characters. While playing the game, press Triangle(2), X, Triangle(2), X, Triangle(2), X, Circle(2) to unlock all stages. Note: These codes will disable the ability to save the game. Enter one of the following codes while playing the game to activate the corresponding cheat function.