Before this, the few that were released in the June 2020 update were unlocked at legendary level 650. In the July 2020 update, many buildings got a new level (level 6 keep, wall, tower, gate. Minimum points required to unlock next tier or specific skills Skills requirement to unlock next tier Attack # For example Military hospital and castle moat, despite needs to be research, it doesn't need to upgrade, so these buildings isn't mandatory type.
#Research tower goodgame empire upgrade
Note : Mandatory means buildings that must be built or upgrade in order to unlock next tier. Toolsmith level 1, Siege workshop level 4 & Defense workshop level 4 Refinery level 1, Marketplace level 9 & Toolsmith level 1 Storehouse level 8, Apiary level 1 & Brewery level 1Ĭastle wall level 7, Castle gate level 7, Tower level 7 & Apiary level 3Ĭastle wall level 7, Castle gate level 7, Tower level 7 & Brewery level 3 The keep level 6, Storehouse level 8 & Apiary level 1 +6% combat strength when defending the courtyard +10 castle wall slots for tools on the flanks +1 castle wall slots for tools on the flanks

+250% army return travel speed after attacking a NPC targets +25% army return travel speed after attacking a NPC targets +4% combat strength when defending the courtyard +0.5% combat strength when defending the courtyard +20% XP earned after an attack against NPC targets +4% XP earned after an attack against NPC targets +80% army travel speed during capture attacks +8% army travel speed during capture attacks +50% XP earned after constructing/upgrading buildings +5% XP earned after constructing/upgrading buildings +10% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards +1% combat strength when attacking enemy courtyards +25% fire damage inflicted when attacking +6% chance for destroying enemy buildings +1% chance for destroying enemy buildings +0.5% ranged unit strength when attacking +50% resource plundered when looting against NPC targets +5% resource plundered when looting against NPC targets Some ruby buildings like Ruby castle moat and military hospital needs to be unlocked sceats, but you don't need to upgrade it, in order to unlock next tier. It is recommend to unlock all building skill first, because all of these buildings required sceats to unlock, construction tokens to construct and upgrade, a new buildings, etc. The building and unit skills is a new feature when you reaching level 650 and above. Cooldown of every reset is 2 weeks, and can be skipped by paying rubies. You can reset your points if you make a mistake for applying a point which is unwanted skills or useless skills. Some of this skills are only affect for NPC targets, buildings, etc. Most of the skills are apply against castle lords with a legendary levels. To unlock master skills you need at least 390 points allocated, either attack or defense. Some skills are unlocked after you allocate specific points. Every tier you must allocate minimum points to unlock next tier. Each level of the skill is called a "stage." You can have a maximum 550 points out of total 1950 points from all skills. The skills tree uses a point system, where a player must allocate a certain amount of points to unlock/upgrade a skill. Skills that can be unlocked in the Hall of Legends.